Very affordable
- .com .net .org .us .biz .info - $10.95/year
(or less)
(free with most hosting packages)
If you would like to have your own domain name, be notified of changes to any domain name records, find an available domain name for your website, or get whois details for a domain, it can all be done here.
You also get fast and friendly customer service when you need it
What is a domain name?
If domain names are new to you, or you're not sure how they work, or how to work them, click here.
You can register many different domain extensions (TLDs) with or through us. When you register a domain name with us, or through us, you can just park it for future use, or to prevent someone else from taking it, or you can get hosting with us, or elsewhere if you wish. You get full control of your domain and the various settings, like nameservers and contact info, as well as zone file settings* like A, CNAME, or MX records, through a simple web-based interface. The price for registering a domain name includes our technical assistance for the period of the registration. *Full DNS control - domain must be pointed to our nameservers
If you have a domain name already registered and want to renew it through us, you can do that also. Maybe you want better control of the various settings, or easier access to DNS record changes. Maybe it's almost time for renewal and you want to save some money. By renewing through us, you get full control of your DNS records and settings, and our technical assistance for the period of the renewal.
If you also plan to use our hosting services, you can register or transfer your domain at the same time the hosting is ordered. All hosting packages include free .com, .net, .org, .ca, .us, .ws, biz, .info or .name domain registration, or 1 year extension with domain transfer.
To celebrate the beginning of our 10th year of operation?, all website hosting and domain name registration is doubled through the month of November.
Order website hosting and pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Pay monthly and your 2nd month is free.
Pay quarterly and your 2nd quarter is free.
Pay yearly and your 2nd year is free.
Order domain registration for 1 or 2 years and once the paid period is up
your domain will renew automatically for the same period for free. does not apply for .jobs, .tm, .coop, .museum, .aero, .gov, or 2nd level .pro domains